Expand description

System clock and reset controller


Adaptive clock configuration mask

Software clock division configuration

Software configure clock gate enable

Debug and additional clock control

Inter-Integrated Sound clock configuration

Software module reset control

CPU and watchdog reset state register


Register block

Type Definitions

adapt_mask register accessor: an alias for Reg<ADAPT_MASK_SPEC>

clock_divide register accessor: an alias for Reg<CLOCK_DIVIDE_SPEC>

clock_enable register accessor: an alias for Reg<CLOCK_ENABLE_SPEC>

debug_control register accessor: an alias for Reg<DEBUG_CONTROL_SPEC>

i2s_clock register accessor: an alias for Reg<I2S_CLOCK_SPEC>

reset_control register accessor: an alias for Reg<RESET_CONTROL_SPEC>

reset_state register accessor: an alias for Reg<RESET_STATE_SPEC>